"God is not mean. He is merciful. It is who he is. And it is still how he reveals his glory today, to us." Natalie Williams, 'Tis Mercy All
If you have any questions or want to find out more about anything in this newsletter, please get in touch at: admin@kingscc.org.

Autumn Mist, Derwentwater - David Stephenson Photography
For His Love Compels Us By Roger Bye
For His love compels us…this phrase gets to the heart of why we are focussing on sharing our faith in these times. 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 reveals the great riches of His love. He died for all. The old has gone, the new has come! God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ. He does not count our sins against us. He who had no sin was made to be sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. What love! What amazing love!
And it is this love, His love, that is the motive for us reaching out to others. We’re not trying to win arguments, neither do we want to hold back through our insecurities and fears. We can all struggle with our weaknesses in reaching out to others. But God wants to convince of His love and then wants us to know its compelling power at work in us and through us. Let’s love one another – love our neighbours, love our colleagues, and love the overlooked. Let’s make love the main thing… for Christ's love compels us! (2 Corinthians 5:14)
Security Wall For Girls Orphanage Underway
A few months ago, Waymaker ran an appeal to fund the building of a security wall around the Streetlife Girls Orphanage. The current one had almost fallen down. Many people contributed (including King's Church) in response to this security and safety risk. At the start of August, the project could be funded completely and a few weeks later the wall began to be built. Andy at Waymaker says thank you to everyone who contributed.
Raw materials being supplied:

Wall being built:

For more information about Waymaker, head to www.waymaker.org.uk.
Cumbria Christian Youth Camp 2024 By Bob Daymond
We value your prayers immensely and know that God has heard and answered them over the week of camp. This year’s camp was the biggest that we have had for a number of years; the theme this year was ‘Deep Roots’, which the campers learned about from Psalm 1.
We thank God for a wonderful week of weather. Praise God that over the week we know of 9 campers who gave their lives to Jesus. Please pray that these children would grow in their new faith and begin to put down these deep roots, reading and being taught from the bible to 'continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith (Colossians 2v6-7).
Here are two thank you notes sent from parents which give a flavour of camp:
Thank you all so much! My two have had a blast. We've heard all about deep roots and all the long 'tion' words, morning meetings, songs, Oscars, pizzas, paddle boarding, canoeing, archery, Luchini’s ice-creams, supper time, sports, water fights, custard and flour, great food (I need to buy arctic roll, angel delight and turkey burgers apparently) …. it took us back to our camp days. Thanks for all you give!!!!
Thank you all so much… our boys, and friend had a great time again and we are praying that the fruit of this week continues to ripen into the weeks and months ahead. We’re now back home having been regaled on the journey home with wonderful tales of activities, teaching and fun together. Very grateful to all who gave up their time to make this amazing week happen.
Praise God for all his blessings.
Christian Adventure Holidays By Martin & Lisa Varey
Christian Adventure Holidays ran for 4 weeks this summer at Bassenfell Manor. We (Martin and Lisa Varey) and Dave Dunlop went as leaders on the first week, with Martin being the Director. It got off to a potentially difficult start with Martin being ill with COVID, however the leader team were great and we barely realised he wasn't there for the start!
The weather was some of the best we had all summer, mainly sunny and warm, which made running all the activities much easier. We had our own qualified leaders running full days of activities including: hill walking, kayaking, sailing, ghyll scrambling and mountain biking. 39 youths from 12-17 years old came along from around the country, as well as Germany and Poland. Mornings began with (sometimes sleepy) small group discussions, followed by a full day of activities, and an evening meeting with a great worship band and talks from various leaders on the theme of the beatitudes.
A lot of the youth come back every year. It was really good to see them growing and developing in their faith, making friends and praying with each other, and a number of them becoming Christians for the first time. We were really blessed with safety, weather and the Holy Spirit working through the week, and a brilliant leader team who gelled together really well. Thanks to all who prayed! Applications open for next year on 9th November, and we filled up within about a week last year, so if anyone is interested in coming, please have a chat to us before then.
Martin & Lisa
Praise God for all his blessings.
The Bridge Café Arts and Crafts Exhibition By Gail Robins
It all started from a chance conversation in the café one Friday, while folk were enjoying their bacon butties. "I’ve been out sketching” said one, “I’ve been to my art class” said another and as I looked around the room, I began to realise it was full of creative people. As the conversations continued between photographers, artists, knitters, whittlers, wood turners, lace makers, potters and crafters, the idea of an exhibition began to evolve.
From my perspective, there were a lot of nerves involved as this was something we had never attempted before and there was no way of knowing how it would turn out!
As the time grew close and the baking was done (did I say that we served afternoon tea?) we arrived at the cricket club to start setting up. As the boxes and bags were opened, we began to realise that we were in the process of unearthing a treasure trove of talent. We really were taken aback to see the creativity, quality and excellence of people’s work across such a broad spectrum of media. Truly amazing.
During this event I have been reminded again about how we are made in the image of God. The Bible begins with God creating and as we are made in His image, it shouldn't be a surprise to us when we see ourselves and others creating beautiful things.
At the exhibition we celebrated creativity in our community, so let’s keep on creating and encouraging others in their creations. Well done to all who participated - I'm truly amazed by your talent. Well done and a HUGE thanks to the team behind the scenes, your service and sacrifices never go unnoticed.

Devoted 2025 - Book Now!
22nd - 25th August 2025 | Staffordshire Showground
Book in by 31st January 2025 for the best prices! Booking is now open for Devoted 2025 and the super early bird price break is available until January 2025. Devoted is all about 'being friends and enjoying God together'. We want to leave you empowered, inspired and commissioned to bring the Kingdom of God into every area of life! To find out more and to book in today visit: Devoted | A ChristCentral Festival for all the family (devotedevent.org).

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