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King's Church Cockermouth is involved with a number of organisations.


For more information about these organisations, click on the logo's below. 

Linking Lives Cockermouth work with churches and Christian organisations to establish befriending projects aimed at socially isolated older people.

Linking Lives CTICA.png

Churches Together in the Cockermouth Area (CTICA) is made of 18 local churches from across all the various denominations in the area. 

Churches Together in the Cockermouth Are

Cockermouth Emergency Response Group work to assist residents and businesses in the Cockermouth area to plan, prepare and recover from an emergency.


The Jubilee+ vision is to see the Church in the UK be a champion of the poor and a means to healthy communities across the nation.


Facing life alone is hard, and when you feel there is no one there to support you it is a scary place to be. Therefore, at Safe Families we offer support, hope and belonging to improve the lives of those in our communities. We link children, young people and families with local volunteers who can offer them help and support.

safe families logo.png
Kings Church Cockermouth - David Stephen

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Church Diary

The Hub, 2 Market Street, Cockermouth, CA13 9NJ

A Charitable Incorporated Organisation, Registered Charity: 1191009

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King's Church Cockermouth 2024

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