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Life @ Kings - November 2021

Here is this month's newsletter for King's Church Cockermouth. We hope you enjoy finding out some of what has been happening in the life of King's. If you have any question or would like to know more about anything written below please get in touch at:

Change is Possible! By Roger Bye

Powerful, prophetic, and personally challenging would all be words that describe the Jubilee+ conference that some of us were able to recently attend.

The keynote messages and seminars throughout the day were all timely and very much on target for the church in these times. Natalie Williams, who now leads J+, set the scene with a very personal encouragement on how change is possible. It may take one step at a time, over a long period, but it can happen. We are called oaks of righteousness [Is61v3] but oaks take their time to grow, approx. 12inches a year! Change is rarely instant it’s often a process. We also need to overcome all sorts of personal challenges of why God can’t use me…but change is possible! It’s possible through the power of the Spirit. Through the anointing that we read about in the opening verses of Isaiah 61.

Another highlight for us was hearing Bishop Philip North from Burnley speaking on ‘Standing with the suffering in post pandemic Britain.’ He guided us through how Jesus responded to those with overwhelming need, focussing on the blind beggar who received his sight. [Luke18v35-42]. Amidst all the busyness, Jesus found time to minister to this man in desperate need. Surrounded by the crowds, Jesus serves the one!

Later in the day we were encouraged through a powerful talk from Sam Ward [Message Trust] on Psalm 37 v3-7. Personally, I was challenged by the phrase, Trust in the Lord and do good. We are called to do both! Throughout all the sessions there was a strong emphasis on our need to be filled with the Holy Spirit – it is His anointing that empowers us to reach those in desperate need.

All the talks will be available online in a few weeks’ time. I would encourage you to make time and give them a watch. They could not be more relevant for us in these days!

Creation Time Pilgrimmage by Malcolm Peill

I enjoy walking, so when an email came round about a pilgrimage to St. Bega's Bassenthwaite it took my interest. The subject of the pilgrimage was "Creation Time", which seemed particularly fitting with the pending COP26 just ahead. Walks these days ideally need to be low level, and fine weather. The forecast was good, so I turned up at the starting point of St. Joseph's Church on Main Street. There were about seven of us in total, and off we set.

It was good to spend the few hours with others, finding that caring for creation is not just a personal, or even our local church concern, but global. Indeed, I was just pondering that fact when God seemed to reinforce the global perspective with a little humour. We were walking along hidden pathways that I never knew existed, when suddenly encountering with some surprise, just past some trees in the field, a dazzle of zebras (I had to look up the group name!). We had just reached the back of the wildlife park, but the timing was impeccable!

We reached St. Bega's where others converged from different directions, and together held a service where we focused on God's creation, His goodness, and our responsibility in taking care of what He has entrusted to us; so relevant in these climate-changing times.

The journey home was somewhat less eventful by bus, but a time to reflect and consider our responsibility into the future.

Amplify Update by Zoe Fielden

Our Friday night youth drop-in, Amplify, relaunched in September! It’s been fantastic to see young people that used to come before the pandemic, who are now bringing friends and also young people who have heard about it through different ways! Some like to come straight from school and others go home first and come later on. Some of our favourite games this term have been Blockus, Uno, Minecraft on the Xbox and definitely the table football tournaments!! Craft-wise, we have been busy with basket weaving, stained glass windows, bonfire night bookmarks and of course lots and lots of colouring!! We have a fabulous team of volunteers that make Amplify such a fun and warm environment for all our young people! Please pray that we continue to reach the young people in Cockermouth, so they know they have a safe and fun place they can come!

Communal Walk to Church and the Cop26 Pop Up Cafe by Paul Mogford

With COP26 taking place, we felt we needed to express our concern for Creation, but rather than make statements, we wanted to offer some practical opportunities. So, on Nov 7th, we invited the church community to walk up to Cockermouth School - and we're so pleased that quite a few walked and some cycled to Church that morning.

On November 13th, we also held our COP26 cafe at the Hub. We are so grateful to so many people who helped - peeling, serving, washing up, cooking or just keeping everyone calm!

All the food was from FareShare, and would have gone to landfill - but still very useable. We wanted to draw attention to the issues of landfill AND food poverty, and how the two things could work together to serve the people of Cockermouth.

Over the day, we served 86 meals and raised over £700 for the Tearfund Environment fund. We were delighted that most people that came for food were not from Kings, but from around the wider community. We had visits from Mark Jenkinson MP, Baroness Hayman of Ullock and from Councillor Celia Tibble, the Environment Cabinet member for Cumbria County Council.

It was tiring, but very fulfilling in so many ways - and loads of fun too!

Foodbank Reverse Advent Calendar

This year for advent you could try a different type of advent calendar, The North Lakes Foodbank has a reverse calendar for advent where each day you buy an item to give to foodbank. These items can be donated at the Cockermouth Methodist Church in the mornings or put in the Foodbank box at Sainsbury's. You can find out more or download a copy of the advent calendar at:

Eco-church at King’s and in our community by Will Sellar

Food production accounts for a third of greenhouse gases (GHG). Much of this is from rearing livestock and dairy production. Farm machinery, greenhouse heating and transport of food contribute to these GHGs which is why shopping locally for local produce is so important.

Sadly, one-third of the world’s food production for human use is wasted each year! In rich countries we waste as much food (222 million tons) as produced in all of sub-Saharan Africa (230 million tons) each year. That’s about 100 kg of food that we waste per person per year in Europe!

We can all help reduce food waste by buying only what we need, freezing or reusing leftovers for next day meals, and avoiding plastic wrapped products. A whole lettuce is better value than a few washed green leaves in a bag and lasts longer!

In Genesis 1:29, God said, “I give you (man) every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food”.

No mention of beef, pork, mutton, turkey or chicken there! Just your 5-a-day! Why have we only now realised the importance of fruit, pulses and cereals in a healthy diet?

Our biggest contribution to reducing GHGs will come from eating less meat and getting our proteins from vegetables and pulses. Could your family try a meat free day each week? Using fresh vegetables is much better than buying factory made products such as veggie burgers, processed to look like meat! Perhaps you could share your favourite fruit or vegetable based recipe?

Here are some helpful articles:

Did you know?

All the invite cards we print for you to hand out are all printed on recycled paper?

Book Review by Roger Bye

In the Lord I take Refuge by Dane Ortlund This is a great book that takes you through each of the 150 Psalms, with a short devotional section on each one. The readings are short enough to be read in five minutes and yet are very thoughtful, inspirational, and applicable to our lives. It is a super resource to help us with our regular devotional times. It is written by Dane Ortlund who also wrote the brilliant, must-read book…Gentle and Lowly! Both books would make great Christmas presents! All the books suggested are available to order at Cornerstone Bookshop who you can contact them at tel:01946695460

Other Suggested Books

The One True Story by Tim Chester

Daily readings for Advent from Genesis to Jesus.

Everyone loves the Christmas story. But the story of the baby in the manger is the culmination of a thousand other stories. It is the focus of the story of the Bible and the story of human history.

The book has 24 short meditative readings working through Bible stories from Genesis to Jesus. Each day ideas for reflection, prayer and application, designed to excite you about the Gospel message in the run up to Christmas Day.

As you prepare for Christmas, get a fresh insight into the full script of the nativity, the story of our world, and the plotline for the rest of your life...

Planetwise by Dave Bookless

I was in the act of throwing away my family's rubbish while holidaying on a beautiful island when I heard God speak. I could easily have missed it, but an inner whisper asked, "How do you think I feel about what you are doing to my world?"' Since the day God challenged him, Dave Bookless has been on a mission: to share with others the compelling biblical case for caring for the planet God made for his glory and his people's enjoyment. This is not another book on green issues to make you feel guilty. The message is that there is hope. God can take your small and insignificant efforts and multiply them in his great plan. Dave takes us right into the heart of his family and shows how living simply, besides honouring God, can be an exciting adventure.

Planet Protectors by Ruth Valerio and Paul Kerensa

In a lively, entertaining style Ruth Valerio and Paul Kerensa offer 52 fantastic ideas for looking after the world - from cycling more and choosing fair-trade, to taking shorter showers and recycling. Children will love taking up a different challenge each week and be inspired to join the fight for the planet's future as they learn about why it is so important to care for the environment and God's creation.

With quirky illustrations perfect for colouring in throughout, Planet Protectors is an ideal book for 7- to 9-year-old children beginning to read independently. It is also a brilliant resource for parents and guardians to open up conversations with children about environmental sustainability, and for primary schools, Sunday schools and youth workers teaching about the environment.

Encourage and empower your children to see how they can make a difference and look after the world by becoming Planet Protectors.

A Time To Act by Extinction Rebellion

‘The climate crisis is the biggest issue facing humanity today. . . It is only together that we can make a difference.’ Amanda Khozi Mukwashi, Christian Aid

Written by members and friends of Christian Climate Action, this stimulating resource book sets out the moral and religious case for joining the struggle against climate change. It reflects on the Christian tradition of non-violent direct action, and offers deeply moving testimonies by those engaged in such protests today, along with powerful sermons, prayers, liturgies and other spiritual resources.

Now is the time to act! Don’t let it pass you by!

‘This is a landmark book. It is nothing short of an invitation to join the holy uprising of people sweeping the globe who will not be silent in the face of the destruction of God’s earth.’

Shane Claiborne, Red Letter Christians

God Doesn't Do Waste by Dave Bookless

Meet 'the Bookless bunch', a very ordinary family who went green. When God challenged him over his attitude to the environment, Dave Bookless did a total rethink. This led to major changes, not only in his family's lifestyle but also eventually in his career: full-time involvement in the global A Rocha movement that aims to care for God's fragile world. But in one sense this book isn't about going green at all. It's a personal account of a life lived in relationship. It's about roots and belonging, suffering and healing, identity and meaning, faith and doubt. It's about how in God's economy nothing need be wasted. This is a story about the messiness that each human being wades through in every area of their lives, and about a God who can take all that seems most wasteful and useless, and recycle it into something of infinite worth.

L is For Lifestyle by Ruth Valerio

How can we live more responsibly? In this A-Z, Ruth Valerio highlights the main threats to people and our planet, God's beloved creation. She shows us how, by making small but significant changes to our lifestyle, we can learn the secret of a life that is both fair and simple. Scenario: you wake up and jump in the shower. The water is hot and the house warm. You eat breakfast: coffee made with water boiled in the kettle, and cereal with milk kept cool in the fridge. You throw out the foil trays from last night's takeaway before jumping in the car and setting off for work. You've done nothing unusual, but already your lifestyle choices - yes, choices - have had an impact on people and the environment across the world. With warmth and honesty, the author shares her personal journey as well as disturbing findings and deep concerns. It is her passion that we would all play our part in caring for the amazing earth that our God has so wisely and generously created.

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